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Digital marketing training


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📚 Training is done individually for everyone (no groups), because yes focuses on each person's specific problems or concerns about using the platform. Also, with this method, training can be adapted to different levels of users, from beginners to experienced users or business owners.

📚 The teacher has a bachelor's degree in informatics and a master's degree in marketing.

💻 The meeting will be held remotely via the Google Meet platform.

📅 An individual time for a remote meeting is agreed upon.

💳 At the end of each month, you will receive an invoice with the total training time of that month, which you will have to pay within 10 working days. Until the invoice for the previous month is paid, further training cannot take place.

❗ The training is in Lithuanian languag only.

    Service inquiry form:

    We usually review your request and respond to it within one business day.

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    SKU: 0056 Category:

    Digital marketing training covers various activities and strategies for online advertising, sales and marketing. This is an area of wide possibilities, in which digital channels are used - web pages, social networks, e-mail. mail, channels that include mobile devices - to reach consumers, create an image of a product or service and increase sales.

    Digital marketing training, during which you will learn what is:

    • Content marketing: Kūrybinis turinio kūrimas ir skleidimas siekiant pritraukti, įsitraukti ir išlaikyti auditorijos dėmesį.
    • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): A way to improve a website's visibility in search engines to make it easier to find and access.
    • Social media marketing: Reklamos ir komunikacijos kanalų kūrimas ir naudojimas socialiniuose tinkluose.
    • E-mail marketing: E-mail using email for customer engagement and information dissemination.
    • Advertising Campaigns (PPC): A paid advertising model where you pay for each click on an ad.
    • Marketing Analytics: Collection, analysis and interpretation of data to better understand campaign effectiveness and consumer behavior.

    Digital marketing training where you will learn how it helps:

    • For sales growth: Digital marketing is often aimed at increasing sales of goods or services.
    • Increasing audience engagement: Creative content and social media strategies that aim to engage with audiences and build loyalty.
    • Prekės ar paslaugos pozicionavimui: Skaitmeninė reklama gali padėti sukurti arba sustiprinti prekės ar paslaugos įvaizdį rinkoje.
    • To optimize conversions: Digital marketing tools also help to optimize conversions – i.e. converting visitors into customers or taking customer actions.

    Digital marketing training, where you will learn about the tools for a year:

    • Online analytics tools: Google Analytics, Meta pixel, Google Search Console, etc. to track, analyze and understand online user behavior.
    • Social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc. that allow you to create and distribute content and advertisements.
    • E-mai distributors: Tools e-mail for email marketing such as MailChimp, Omnisend, etc.

    And many other things you will learn during digital marketing training.

    Digital marketing is constantly evolving, taking into account new technologies and consumer behavior. It is an essential marketing strategy for many companies seeking to reach a larger circle of consumers and achieve higher sales results.

    Read more on our business blog LiJIA.

    📅 Training order stages

    1. You fill out the request;
    2. We review the request and agree on the date and time of the training;
    3. Remote meeting;
    4. At the end of the month, we issue an invoice for the total lesson time of that month and send it to your email. mail;
    5. You pay the sent invoice;

    🤔 Help

    Don't understand how to fill out the form correctly? Or maybe it failed because it keeps throwing errors?

    Don't be afraid, we can help you fill out the form, call +370 660 12056 and we'll give you all the information you need about the form and fill it out together.👊

    💬 Feedback

    🌐 You can find all reviews on the page: Reviews 

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