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Product shipping solutions for e-shops

Product shipping solutions for e-shops

E-commerce is becoming more and more popular in Lithuania, which means that effective management of product shipping solutions is becoming an essential aspect for any e-commerce company. for the store. Properly selected shipping strategies and solutions not only ensure smooth delivery of goods to customers, but also increase the store's profitability and customer loyalty. In this article, we will discuss how to effectively manage your shipping using the WooCommerce platform and…

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Google ads

When to start promoting a newly created web with Google Ads?

Advertising with Google Ads can be an effective way to attract visitors and potential customers to your newly created website. However, to achieve the best results, it is important to choose the right time and prepare accordingly. In this article, we will discuss how and when to start promoting your newly created website with Google Ads. Advantages of advertising with Google Ads Before discussing when to start advertising, it is important to understand, …

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Žingsniai kuriant tinklapį

Steps in creating a website: From idea to start

In today's digital age, a website is essential for any organization or business that wants to be visible online. Building a website can seem like a complicated process, but it can be broken down into a few basic steps. In this article, we will cover all the important stages of creating a website, from the idea to the launch of the website. 1. Goal setting and needs analysis The first step in creating a website is to clearly understand, …

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Tekstas svetainei

Text for a website to describe your business

Website texts are an essential part of creating online content. This section includes information about your company, services, products, or any other important information you want to present to visitors. This is an important step in the website development process, as the way you present information can have a big impact on your visitors' experience and the effectiveness of your website. When describing these texts, you can specify what you want…

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Website speed

Website speed: What you need to know and how to improve it

Svetainės greitis gali būti paveiktas daugybe veiksnių, kuriuos verta įvertinti ir optimizuoti siekiant užtikrinti gerą naudotojų patirtį. Vidutinis svetainės krovimo laikas gali labai skirtis priklausomai nuo įvairių veiksnių, įskaitant svetainės dydį, turinio tipą, hostingo paslaugų kokybę ir interneto ryšio spartą. Remiantis įvairiais tyrimais ir duomenimis bei praktikomis, tai turite siekti, kad svetainė krautųsi per 1,5 …

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Kada svetainė pasirodo Google

When does a site show up in Google searches?

When does the site appear and how does it work? Website indexing is the process by which search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo read, interpret, and record information on the Internet into their database. This process is necessary for the website to be visible in search engine results. Website Indexing Process Indexing Robot Activities Search engine robots are called "spiders" or ...

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Payment platforms

Payment platforms, how to choose the most suitable

The main purpose of the payment platform is to ensure efficient payment of goods or services in your e-mail address. in the store. It is important to understand how these systems work and why they are important to your email. for store operations. Operating principles and importance of payment platforms The main purpose of the payment platform: The main purpose of the payment system is to provide a convenient and secure opportunity for customers to make payments for goods or services...

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What is hosting?

What is hosting and how to choose the right

Hosting, also known as website hosting, is a service provided by companies (hosting service providers) that provide physical server capacities or parts of them to store websites or files. In this section, we will look at what hosting services include and why they are important for websites. Definition of Hosting Hosting is a service where hosting providers provide server space and…

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What is a domain

What is a domain and how to choose the right

What is a domain? A domain is a unique Internet address system that allows you to identify and locate specific Internet sites. It is an important component that creates an identification system for websites. In this chapter, we'll take a look at what a domain means and how it works in the Internet infrastructure. Domain Definition A domain is a human-readable Internet address consisting of a unique name and a domain extension. He is …

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Wordpress websites

What are WordPress websites and benefits

WordPress sites are free and open source content management systems (CMS) that have created a favorable environment for the creation, management and distribution of web pages. It is a widely used website platform that allows even those with no programming or design experience to easily manage their online projects. About the WordPress Website Platform WordPress started out as a simple website builder, but over the years…

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