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Outdoor advertisement layout


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✅ The layout price includes:

  • Analysis of needs - stylistics, the desired result and the market of the area;
  • User and competitor analysis;
  • Exclusive, unique and modern design;
  • Professional and modern approach to outdoor advertising;
  • Post-submission design corrections;
  • Graphic designer and marketing specialist consultations;
  • Preparation for the press;

💡 Don't have an idea? No problem, in the order form below, provide the text and additional necessary information and taking into account your information we will come up with an idea and perform the service.

💸 The service is exempt from VAT (21%) and an invoice is issued (upon the customer's request).

✍️ Please pay attention to grammar and punctuation errors when specifying the text, as we are not responsible for this! Possibility to correct errors in the order before the start of work.

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It will take 1-2 working days to make the product.

Availability: 2 in stock

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SKU: 0013 Categories: ,
Layout of outdoor advertising not only spreads information, but also diversify the environment, give life and originality to local residents and guests. Advertising experts say that outdoor advertising should not be forgotten when promoting a brand name or image. Well designed outdoor an average of 60% notices the advertisement within 2-4 weeks people passing or passing by.

Lauko reklamos maketavimas yra efektyvus būdas pasiekti didelį auditorijos skaičių ir pritraukti dėmesį į jūsų produktą, paslaugą ar renginį. Štai keletas patarimų, kaip sukurti efektyvų lauko reklamos maketą:

  1. Plan a clear message: Advertising must be understood within seconds. Identify the key message or benefit you want to convey and convey it clearly and concisely.
  2. The information must be read from a distance: Choose a large, clear and easy-to-read font that can be seen from a distance. The font size should be large enough so that the message can be read even from a distance.
  3. Provide only essential information: Outdoor advertising layout should be simple, with short and clear information. Avoid overly complicated sentences or too many details.
  4. Consider the environment: If outdoor advertising is going to be placed in a certain environment (city street, nature, etc.), it is important that it fits in with the surrounding landscape and is easily noticeable.
  5. Add contact information: If applicable, add contact information or ways to get in touch (phone, website, QR code, etc.).
  6. Choose the right location: Consider the location where the ad will be placed. A properly chosen location can greatly increase the effectiveness of advertising.

Remember that the layout of outdoor advertising must be adapted to the environment in which it will be presented and attract attention in a short time. A carefully designed layout can help you reach your desired audience and successfully convey your message.

You can read more information on our blog: LiJIA

💡 Tips

Outdoor advertising attracts the attention of many people walking down the street. The average viewing time for outdoor advertising is 2 to 4 seconds. Meanwhile, the brain can perceive tik 4 skirtingus elements: short and legible company slogan, advertising message, brand, field of activity, emotional image and website address In order for the public to see, perceive and retain the advertising message, the following are raised for external advertising means general requirements:

  • Clarity of the message text up to 5 words, it is necessary to focus on the thought;
  • Up to 4 creative elements (text - message, brand name, photo, website address);
  • The message text font, product logo and emotional image must be visible within 4 seconds and clearly visible from a distance of 200-300 meters;
  • The graphic element must be attractive, large, easy to understand, express a thought or emotion;
  • Ad elements must clearly contrast (stand out) from the background of the ad.
  • Your advertising message must attract attention, stand out, shock or surprise;
  • The idea of advertising should be clear, there should be no elements that should be rejected;
  • After viewing, the person shouldremember the content and emotions of the message.

📅 Outdoor advertisement layout

  1. You place an order by specifying accurate information;
  2. We start the market, customer, competitor analysis and goal settings;
  3. Design coordination with the client;
  4. Design development;
  5. Presentation of the design to the client;
  6. 3 corrections;
  7. Delivery of the design after corrections to the client;
  8. Preparation of the layout for the press;
  9. The model with the necessary files is sent to the customer;

🤔 Help

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