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Social networks layout
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Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social networks layout
Social media post layout
Social media post layout
Social media post layout
Social media post layout
Social media post layout

Social media post layout


Receive coins: 0.75

✅ The layout price includes:

  • Analysis of needs - stylistics, the desired result and the market of the area;
  • User and competitor analysis;
  • Exclusive, unique and modern design;
  • Post-submission design corrections;
  • Graphic designer and marketing specialist consultations;

💡 Don't have an idea? No problem, in the order form below, provide the text and additional necessary information and taking into account your information we will come up with an idea and perform the service.

💸 The service is exempt from VAT (21%) and an invoice is issued (upon the customer's request).

✍️ Please pay attention to grammar and punctuation errors when specifying the text, as we are not responsible for this! Possibility to correct errors in the order before the start of work.

ℹ️ Service benefits and prices →

The product takes 1 working day to produce.

Availability: 2 in stock

Fill out the form to facilitate the creation process:


Due to the number of orders, the specialist would start processing your basket orders after 1 day.

Everyone agrees that the layout and content of a social post must be valuable, relevant and of high quality. But anyone can get lost in measuring quality. Judging content is often very subjective - pretty or ugly, like it or not.

To start with, the posts you create should be relevant to your brand's target audience. That's why all content development must start with design - understanding what is interesting, appealing and engaging for the target audience. And once that's clear, we can pay attention to other details too.

  • Photos used on social media should be eye-catching. They must be clear and distinct. This does not mean that professional photo shoots are necessary. Such photos can be taken on a mobile phone at home and with a little editing.
  • Regardless of the length of the text, it is important to write short paragraphs and short sentences. Many users use social networks on mobile devices. And long paragraphs or long sentences are awkward to read on the phone.
  • If you use layouts when communicating, you should use coordinating colours to make sure the font is legible, and the spacing of upper and lower case letters and lines makes the text easier to read.
  • Protected areas' requirements for social media layouts change frequently, so you should rely on professionals.
  • In social media, image and text travel together. The photo or layout is the first thing that catches the user's attention.

Designing an effective social post layout is important for attracting attention and communicating important points to your audience. Here are some tips for creating an attractive social media post layout:

  1. Suitable format and size: Consider different social media formats and size requirements (eg Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). Choose the right image or photo size to make your content look good.
  2. A clear message: Be brief and convey the most important information or message very clearly and specifically. Try to use short sentences or even one word if it's effective.
  3. Main information: Include key information such as the date of the event, a link, quotes or a short message that reflects the purpose of the post.
  4. Logo and branding: Make sure your company logo or brand is visible and recognizable if appropriate for the content of the post. We can also provide a service: Brandbook creation
  5. Call-to-action element: Include a call-to-action button, link, or tagline that prompts your audience to take action, such as “Click here,” “Updated,” etc.

It is important to adapt to the specifics of each social network platform and the audience you are trying to reach. A creative and clear layout of a social post can engage the audience more and achieve good results.

You can read more information on our blog: LiJIA

📅 Stages of social media post layout

  1. You place an order by specifying accurate information;
  2. We start the market, customer, competitor analysis and goal settings;
  3. Design coordination with the client;
  4. Design development;
  5. Presentation of the design to the client;
  6. 3 corrections;
  7. Delivery of the design after corrections to the client;
  8. Preparation of the layout for the press;
  9. The model with the necessary files is sent to the customer;

🤔 Help

Don't understand how to fill out the form correctly? Or maybe it failed because it keeps throwing errors?

Don't be afraid, we can help you fill out the form, call +370 660 12056 and we'll give you all the information you need about the form and fill it out together.👊

✍ Changing the text

Information: jeigu paslauga užsisakyta* „Jauna idėja” naudojant tą patį maketą galimybė pakeisti tekstą** už 4.99 eurus. Teksto struktūra ir žodžių skaičius (1-2 paklaida galima) turi atitikti pradinį*** maketą.

 * the service is valid for 3 months only. after the initial order.

 ** the layout is not changed, only the text is changed.

*** an order in which a layout service was performed and you want to change the text.

Important: the text change service can be used only 3 times for the same layout.

Additional: norint, kad paslauga galiotu ilgiau negu 3 mėn., o netgi visus 1 metus, užsisakant paslauga reikia pažymėti „Saugoti darbą 1 metus“ ir sumokėti papildomai 4,99 eurus už darbo saugojimą visus metus.

Text change time: usually within 1-2 working days after payment received.

Payment: We evaluate your order request and if everything is correct, we will send you an email. information on how to transfer money by mail.

🔽 Fill out the order request below and we will inform you:

    Text change order request:

    We usually respond to a request within one business day.

    💬 Feedback

    🌐 You can find all reviews on the page: Reviews 

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