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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence in Lithuanian marketing [GUIDE]


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Years of guide: 2024 m.

Guide scope: 82 pages

Guide language: LietuviΕ³.

File: PDF.

Author of the guide: Tautvydas Zaurynas.

Author's education: Master of Business and Management, Vytautas Didios University. Bachelor of Computer Science Engineering, Kaunas College.

More information:

  • In the theoretical part, 55 sources are analyzed, all but one are from the last 5 years.
  • 385 marketing professionals were surveyed, which guarantees the reliability of the research.
  • The research results are valuable and the insights logical. Part III compares the results obtained with the results of the study to demonstrate the appropriate approach for discussing the results of the study.
  • The presented content can be considered as a guide and is practically applicable. The practicality of the proposals is a strong point.
  • Information is presented on how to start using artificial intelligence in Lithuanian marketing, marketing areas where artificial intelligence can be applied and how to overcome challenges with this technology.

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Artificial intelligence It is already being used more and more often in Lithuanian marketing and it is expected that the use will increase even more, but we have not yet conducted research in Lithuania, which is why it is important to find out what tools and how we can use them in the local market.

Research problem: What are the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in marketing and how can they be used in Lithuania?

Research object: Possibilities of using artificial intelligence in marketing in Lithuania.

The aim: After theoretically analyzing the concept of artificial intelligence, the possibilities and problems of its use in marketing, form a research methodology, carry out the research and create a guide to the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in marketing in Lithuania.

Research methods: The survey of marketing professionals in Lithuania was chosen as the main research method. Another research method was chosen to interview Lithuanian marketing professionals using the interview method.

Results: Most Lithuanian marketers are not yet familiar with the possibilities of artificial intelligence and for them such technology is new and their use is limited. Most of the time, only one artificial tool is used by Lithuanian marketers in their activities, and even many respondents used that artificial intelligence tool without familiarizing themselves with all the possibilities of the program. The biggest challenge in using artificial intelligence with Lithuanian audiences is caused by differences in language, translation, grammar, culture and traditions, inaccurate information, legal requirements, data protection and investment issues.

Conclusions: Pradedant naudotis dirbtiniu intelektu marketingo srityje Lietuvoje: SusipaΕΎinkite su dirbtiniu intelektu, nusistatykite tikslus, iΕ‘sirinkite tinkamiausia dirbtinio intelekto technologijΔ…, iΕ‘mokite kaip jΔ… naudotis, testuokite, eksperimentuokite su programomis, pasirΕ«pinkite teisiniais reikalavimais, duomenΕ³ privatumu ir saugumu, pateikite duomenis dirbtinam intelektui, stebΔ—kite sistemΔ… bei po metΕ³ analizuokite Δ―rankΔ― ir Δ―vertinkite.

Research tasks:
1. To reveal the concept of artificial intelligence.
2. To distinguish the areas of use of artificial intelligence in marketing found in theory and the opportunities and challenges of all this.
3. To formulate a methodology and conduct a study allowing to reveal the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in marketing in Lithuania.
4. To form a guide to the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in marketing in Lithuania.

In the first part of the work: The concept of artificial intelligence, areas of use, types, opportunities and challenges are presented.

In the second part of the work: Methodologies have been developed and formed and research has been carried out, thanks to which the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in Lithuanian marketing are determined.

In the third part of the work: A guide to the use of artificial intelligence in Lithuanian marketing is being created.

You can read more about what artificial intelligence is on our business blog LiJIA.

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