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Product shipping solutions for e-shops

Product shipping solutions for e-shops

E-commerce is becoming more and more popular in Lithuania, which means that effective management of product shipping solutions is becoming an essential aspect for any e-commerce company. for the store. Properly selected shipping strategies and solutions not only ensure smooth delivery of goods to customers, but also increase the store's profitability and customer loyalty. In this article, we will discuss how to effectively manage your shipping using the WooCommerce platform and…

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Administration of social networks

Social network administration: Benefits and purpose

In today's digital age, social networks are an integral part of both personal and business life. Companies and brands actively use social networks to reach their audience, spread information and strengthen their brand image. However, in order to maximize the potential of social networks, it is necessary to have a professional social network administration strategy. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of social media...

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Google ads

When to start promoting a newly created web with Google Ads?

Advertising with Google Ads can be an effective way to attract visitors and potential customers to your newly created website. However, to achieve the best results, it is important to choose the right time and prepare accordingly. In this article, we will discuss how and when to start promoting your newly created website with Google Ads. Advantages of advertising with Google Ads Before discussing when to start advertising, it is important to understand, …

When to start promoting a newly created web with Google Ads? Read More »


Brandbook: What it is and what constitutes it

Corporate style or "Brandbook" is an essential document for every organization that seeks to maintain a consistent and recognizable image in the market. This document covers all visual and communication standards of the company, specifying how the brand should be represented on all platforms and communication channels. Corporate style not only helps to ensure that all employees and partners of the company adhere to the same standards, but also strengthens ...

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How to start a business

How to start a business?

Straipsnyje pateikiame žingsnius kaip pradėti verslą. Verslo pradžia yra nuotykis, kupinas iššūkių ir galimybių, kai pradedate savo kelionę kaip verslininkas. Šiame etape svarbu išmokti gerai planuoti ir priimti racionalius sprendimus, tačiau svarbiausia – turėti aiškų tikslą ir motyvaciją. Tai gali būti nuostabus laikas, kai jūs galite kurti savo viziją ir pradėti darbą, siekdami savo tikslų. …

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