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Business card layout

Business card layout


You save: 15.00€

Receive coins: 1.25

 The layout price includes:

  • Analysis of needs - stylistics, the desired result and the market of the area;
  • User and competitor analysis;
  • 3 corrections after submitted design;
  • Graphic designer and marketing specialist consultations;
  • Preparation for the press;

We can also offer a printing company for an additional price (€4.99), the price includes:

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💡 Don't have an idea? No problem, in the order form below, provide the text and additional necessary information and taking into account your information we will come up with an idea and perform the service.

💸 The layout service is exempt from VAT (21%) and invoices are issued (upon the customer's request).

✍️ Please pay attention to grammar and punctuation errors when specifying the text, as we are not responsible for this! Possibility to correct errors in the order before the start of work.

ℹ️ Service benefits and prices →

It will take up to 1-2 days to make the product.

Availability: 2 in stock

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Due to the number of orders, the specialist would start processing your basket orders after 1 day.

✅ Business card layout is one of the ways to advertise your business by presenting concise and specific information that is most relevant to a potential or existing customer: company address, phone number, e-mail. e-mail address, website address, etc. all the necessary information that will be useful to contact company representatives for more detailed information.

✅ Nowadays it is very important to think about what message a business card should convey. When a visitor picks up a business card, a certain opinion is formed, so it can be said that the business card is a reflection of the company. A business card with an attractive appearance, high-quality design that attracts the attention of the customer.

Business card layout is an important business tool that first introduces you and your business to a potential client or partner. The right business card layouts are important to make a good first impression. Here are some tips on how to create an effective business card layout:

  1. Provide key information: The business card should contain essential information such as your name, job title, business name, contact details (phone, email, website) and company logo.
  2. Visual elements and graphics: You can add additional visual elements or opt for a minimal but meaningful design to maintain professionalism.
  3. Emphasis on logo and product or service: Ensure that the company logo and the main services or products are clearly visible and distinct.
  4. Proper layout and dimensions: Business cards are usually of standard dimensions (about 85 x 55 mm). Be creative with the layout, but make sure you can store it comfortably or put it in a card tray.
  5. High-quality printing material: Choose high-quality paper and printing techniques to give your business card a professional look and long-lasting condition.
  6. Additional information: If needed, you can add a QR code that links to your website or other useful information.

Remember that a business card is the image of your business, so it is important that it reflects your professionalism and uniqueness. Be creative, but at the same time conservative, to leave the best impression on potential clients or partners.

You can read more information on our blog: LiJIA

🏷️ Approximate printing prices for business cards

⬆️ The price may change due to the rising prices of materials, electricity and other influencing works. Also, for choosing the most suitable printing company for your product (basket) order.

Economic card printing prices without VAT

Corner rounding + Lamination
1007 €12 €2 € + 3 €
20012 €20 €3 € + 4 €
30016 €24 €4 € + 5 €
40018 €28 €5 € + 6 €
50022 €36 €6 € + 7 €
100030 €55 €9 € + 10 €

Corner rounding available with a 5 mm corner, one, several or all corners can be rounded, the price does not change.

Standard business card printing prices excluding VAT

Corner rounding + Lamination
1008 €13 €2 € + 3 €
20014 €22 €3 € + 3 €
30019 €27 €4 € + 4 €
40022 €32 €5 € + 6 €
50026 €40 €6 € + 7 €
100039 €64 €9 € + 10 €

Corner rounding available with a 5 mm corner, one, several or all corners can be rounded, the price does not change.

Premium business card printing prices excluding VAT

Corner rounding + Lamination
1008 €13 €2 € + 3 €
20013 €21 €3 € + 4 €
30018 €26 €4 € + 5 €
40021 €31 €5 € + 6 €
50025 €39 €6 € + 7 €
100037 €62 €9 € + 10 €

Corner rounding available with a 5 mm corner, one, several or all corners can be rounded, the price does not change.

Prices for printing eco-friendly business cards without VAT

Corner rounding + Lamination
1008 €13 €2 € + 3 €
20013 €21 €3 € + 4 €
30018 €26 €4 € + 5 €
40020 €30 €5 € + 6 €
50025 €39 €6 € + 7 €
100036 €61 €9 € + 10 €

Corner rounding available with a 5 mm corner, one, several or all corners can be rounded, the price does not change.

📅 Layout stages

Business card layout:
  1. You place an order by specifying accurate information;
  2. We start the market, customer, competitor analysis and goal settings;
  3. Design coordination with the client;
  4. Design development;
  5. Presentation of the design to the client;
  6. 3 corrections;
  7. Delivery of the design after corrections to the client;
  8. Preparation of the layout for the press;
  9. The model with the necessary files is sent to the customer;
Printing organization:
  1. Analysis of needs;
  2. The printing method that will most allow you to achieve the desired goal is determined;
  3. An option is offered;
  4. Finding a printing company, combining price and quality taking into account your product (whole basket);

🤔 Help

Don't understand how to fill out the form correctly? Or maybe it failed because it keeps throwing errors?

Don't be afraid, we can help you fill out the form, call +370 660 12056 and we'll give you all the information you need about the form and fill it out together.👊

💬 Feedback

🌐 You can find all reviews on the page: Reviews 

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