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Wedding invitation layout


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✅ The price includes the layout of wedding invitations:

  • Design layout according to customer needs;
  • Post-submission design corrections;
  • Graphic designer and marketing specialist consultations;
  • Preparation for the press;

✅ We can also offer a printing company for an additional price (€4.99), the price includes:

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💡 Don't have an idea? No problem, in the order form below, provide the text and additional necessary information and taking into account your information we will come up with an idea and perform the service.

💸 VAT (21%) tax is not applicable to the layout service (it is applicable to the printing service) and invoices are issued (upon the customer's request).

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It will take up to 1-2 days to lay out the product. Printing takes up to 3-5 days. + delivery within 1-2 days

Availability: 2 in stock

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Due to the number of orders, the specialist would start processing your basket orders after 1 day.
SKU: 0039 Category:

Wedding invitation layout is the highlight of your celebration. Thanks to the unique design you will create a wonderful atmosphere from the first impression - an invitation. Choosing an invitation is not just work, it is pleasant and warm indelible memory which comes back when you look at it. Memories are priceless. Just like your unique holiday.

Layout of wedding invitations is an important accent that reflects the atmosphere and style of the celebration. Various designs can be customized according to the needs and tastes of the youngsters. Here are some steps to create a wedding invitation layout:

  1. Set the style: what style you want to reflect. It can be classic, modern, themed, elegant or any specific theme. Colors, fonts and design should reflect this style.
  2. Contents: It is important to include relevant information such as names, wedding dates, location, time and any other special wishes or instructions for guests.
  3. Text formatting: Make sure the text is clear, readable and understandable.
  4. Add additional items: You can add special extras such as borders, frames, envelope decor or artificial flowers to give the invitation more elegance or personality.
  5. Test and review: Before printing your invitations, make sure they meet your expectations. Check that all the details are correct and that the layout looks the way you want it to.
  6. Printing and shipping: Choose a quality printing company if you are going to print invitations. You can also choose an online invitation or a handmade one, depending on your preferences and capabilities. Please note the time required for printing and delivery to allow sufficient time for any possible corrections or changes.

Designing wedding invitations is a creative process that allows you to reflect your unique style and create a special accent for your celebration. It is important to follow the requirements, but also to let your creativity shine in this important matter.

Read more on our business blog LiJIA.

🏷️ Approximate invitation printing prices:

⬆️ The price may change due to the rising prices of materials, electricity and other influencing works. Also, for choosing the most suitable printing company for your product (basket) order.

Standard paper invitation printing prices (1/2):

Quantity (units)14x10cm14x10cm folded over20x10cm
10€ 9.92€ 13.64€ 12.40
16€ 12.40€ 18.60€ 16.12
20€ 14.88€ 22.31€ 18.60
30€ 17.36€ 26.03€ 22.31
40€ 19.83€ 29.75€ 24.79
50€ 22.31€ 33.47€ 28.51
60€ 24.79€ 37.19€ 30.99
70€ 27.27€ 40.91€ 34.71
80€ 29.75€ 44.63€ 37.19
90€ 32.23€ 48.35€ 40.91
100€ 34.71€ 52.07€ 43.39
150€ 42.15€ 79.34€ 53.31
200€ 50.83€ 92.98€ 63.22
250€ 55.79€ 105.37€ 69.42
300€ 63.22€ 110.33€ 79.34
350€ 73.14€ 119.01€ 91.74
400€ 81.82€ 126.45€ 102.89
450€ 95.45€ 136.36€ 119.01
500€ 99.17€ 142.56€ 123.97
600€ 116.53€ 161.16€ 146.28
700€ 133.88€ 173.55€ 167.36
800€ 151.24€ 185.95€ 189.67

Prices for printing standard paper invitations (2/2):

Quantity (units)20x10cm folded14x14cm14x14cm folded
10€ 16.12€ 12.40€ 14.88
16€ 22.31€ 16.12€ 21.07
20€ 27.27€ 18.60€ 26.03
30€ 32.23€ 22.31€ 30.99
40€ 37.19€ 24.79€ 35.95
50€ 47.11€ 28.51€ 39.67
60€ 54.55€ 30.99€ 44.63
70€ 63.22€ 34.71€ 49.59
80€ 70.66€ 37.19€ 53.31
90€ 78.10€ 40.91€ 58.26
100€ 84.30€ 43.39€ 61.98
150€ 111.57€ 53.31€ 95.45
200€ 123.97€ 63.22€ 111.57
250€ 136.36€ 69.42€ 126.45
300€ 146.28€ 79.34€ 132.64
350€ 156.20€ 91.74€ 142.56
400€ 166.12€ 102.89€ 151.24
450€ 176.03€ 119.01€ 163.64
500€ 185.95€ 123.97€ 171.07
600€ 195.87€ 146.28€ 193.39
700€ 220.66€ 167.36€ 208.26
800€ 240.50€ 189.67€ 223.14

Prices for printing organic paper invitations (1/2):

Quantity (units)14x10cm14x10cm folded over20x10cm
10€ 29.75€ 35.95€ 33.47
16€ 35.95€ 52.07€ 39.67
20€ 39.67€ 58.26€ 43.39
30€ 44.63€ 70.66€ 49.59
40€ 49.59€ 86.78€ 55.79
50€ 53.31€ 96.69€ 59.50
60€ 60.74€ 104.13€ 68.18
70€ 68.18€ 109.09€ 76.86
80€ 75.62€ 116.53€ 84.30
90€ 81.82€ 122.73€ 91.74
100€ 85.54€ 130.17€ 95.45
150€ 114.05€ 169.83€ 127.69
200€ 141.32€ 207.02€ 157.44
250€ 164.88€ 244.21€ 183.47
300€ 189.67€ 272.73€ 211.98
350€ 214.46€ 302.48€ 239.26
400€ 238.02€ 330.99€ 266.53
450€ 264.05€ 359.50€ 295.04
500€ 278.93€ 383.06€ 312.40
600€ 323.55€ 440.08€ 361.98
700€ 364.46€ 488.43€ 407.85
800€ 402.89€ 534.30€ 451.24

Prices for printing organic paper invitations (2/2):

Quantity (units)20x10cm folded14x14cm14x14cm folded
10€ 43.39€ 33.47€ 38.43
16€ 63.22€ 39.67€ 57.02
20€ 71.90€ 43.39€ 64.46
30€ 90.50€ 49.59€ 80.58
40€ 109.09€ 55.79€ 97.93
50€ 130.17€ 59.50€ 116.53
60€ 145.04€ 68.18€ 128.93
70€ 157.44€ 76.86€ 140.08
80€ 166.12€ 84.30€ 148.76
90€ 179.75€ 91.74€ 159.92
100€ 189.67€ 95.45€ 169.83
150€ 257.85€ 127.69€ 230.58
200€ 303.72€ 157.44€ 271.49
250€ 330.99€ 183.47€ 295.04
300€ 361.98€ 211.98€ 323.55
350€ 397.93€ 239.26€ 355.79
400€ 436.36€ 266.53€ 389.26
450€ 473.55€ 295.04€ 422.73
500€ 508.26€ 312.40€ 453.72
600€ 573.97€ 361.98€ 511.98
700€ 650.83€ 407.85€ 581.40

The price of laminating* one invitation is about 0.25 euros

*Laminate provides strength and additional effect. Which one? You can choose from:
Glossy laminate - the surface will be shiny, the colors will be a little brighter.
Matte laminate - the surface will be matte, the colors are slightly muted.

Select if you want to laminate the outside of the card. The inner side of the card is not laminated.

📅 Layout stages

Maketavimo organizavimas:
  1. You place an order by specifying accurate information;
  2. Design coordination with the client;
  3. Design development;
  4. Presentation of the design to the client;
  5. 3 corrections;
  6. Delivery of the design after corrections to the client;
  7. Preparation of the layout for the press;
  8. The model with the necessary files is sent to the customer;
Printing organization:
  1. Analysis of needs;
  2. The printing method that will most allow you to achieve the desired goal is determined;
  3. An option is offered;
  4. Finding a printing company, combining price and quality taking into account your product (whole basket);

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